Wednesday, 8 April 2009

the Globe, Mavis'ssss Bidet . a fan's perspective

Maybe you had to organise baby sitters. Maybe you just turned up on the night and fell through the door. Maybe you chatted with people on Faceshot and arranged to meet up, making sure you had enough money for thrills n pills and booze and taxis and buses. Some people hired a mini bus. There's effort from everyone when it comes to attending an event like this and endeavouring to have a good night out.

Personally, I thought the night was a massive success; four excellent and very under-noticed bands from South Wales performing at their very best to a rammed venue of approx 300 punters. FOR FREE ! NO ENTRY FEE, NO CASH PAYMENT FOR THE BANDS, NOTHING FOR THE PROMOTERS ! With this in mind I put some Tantrum Record stickers on a plastic Beck's bucket and asked two rather gorgeous looking specimens from the female variety to do a whip-round of the punters in the hope of raising £300 for the organisers. That would have been £1 each punter. Imagine my dismay when by the end of the night there was £25 in the bucket! I simply don't understand how people can be all TAKE TAKE TAKE all the TIME ! Put something back dammit ! These events are some of the best parties in the country and some people bust a blood vessel and lose money in putting this on for us!

The Nukes took the stage first tearing through proper old-style punk tunes with a fervour unrivalled by anyone half their age! Winning over new fans with each number, this was The Nukes first gig with the Tantrum crew, and I'm told it wont be the last. I hope not. The Nukes gave away free CD's to spread their sounds and message to a new audience ... I got mine!

Next up were the fantastically frantic antics of one of my favourites, Clay Statues. Mavis was already well oiled in celebration of his bidet, before taking the drums to another dimension, empathic to the twisted sounds that Doz gets from his scruffy bass. Unrehearsed for a few months, the Stats played their hearts out to rapturous applause from the faithful to the newly indocrinated, Doz flailing around the stage with no mind to his or anyone else's health and safety. A thunderous sound shook the foundations and Doz got off by BJ'ing the mic and winding the crowd into a frenzy.
Then the Egg got thrown out of the venue for throwing a dangerous toilet roll on to the stage. "It was a toilet roll this time. Who knows what it might be the next time!" said an over-inflated jobsworth of a bouncer with no idea of a gathering of minds.

A treat took centre attention for many who have not had the pleasure of seeing Henry's Funeral Shoe perform live until now.
Faces looked stunned at the capabilities of a guitarist, adorned with hat looking like a reject from Clockwork Orange, backed up by a nutty drummer (my favourite kind) using all sorts of implements to hit the skins.
The talk outside the club was of astoundment at not knowing who this band were, how good they were, and how many people would be going out of their way to see them again.

Then there was Sicknote. After threatening to walk and take the audience with them unless DJ Eggman was let back in, the Sick boys delivered their best set since Thimbleberry Festival September 09. All the old favourites were played, the crowd flocked to the front and shared sweat with each other, dancing like crazy to well known Sicknote tunes. One or two in the know were talking of a full set being played with some new tunes being thrown in for the first time this evening. Alas, the plug was pulled at 11.15p.m., alledgedly following the complaints from a neighbour. Could it actually have been the display of an over - excited fan getting her baps out to rub them in the crotch of the pussy magnet everyone knows and loves as Dr. Conker?

Whatever the reason, the punters were left feeling short changed (well, not really as no fucker paid to get in ) wanting a longer set from the sound of 2009, Sicknote!
The general feeling was that the night had been awesome, but also that many of the punters would not be returning to the Moroccan styled (?!) Globe Club. Maybe they should stick to cover bands and dinosaurs.


flapsandwich said...

great write up there, son. TOP NIGHT! XXXX

Anonymous said...

Excellent xxx

wezg said...

can't believe the bucket only raised £25. Problem with the mysapce generation is that they expect all music for free. They don't blink an eyelid when they pay £3 for a beer but an average contribution of less than 10p per head seems satisfactory. In twenty years time all that will be left of the British Music industry will be Simon Cowell Pop Idol Pap.

Eris Kaoss said...

The pussy magnet that is dr conker hahahahahah

Being short i was oblivious to any naked exposingness that was going on but sadly I was also oblivious to the collection bucket! Not that I had anything to put in it this week mind you. I was lucky to be out I spent my last £2.50 on two cans of bow (pint sized cans mind) to make sure I was relaxed for the night.

Good to see the Aberdare legends and the Sicknote crew uniting, best night I had in ages.

Big loveeez

Geeky said...

Great review !! i thought the venue and sound was awesome but its no good if bouncers are gonna perform over bog rolls lol and the age old problem of noise complaints. fuckin shame.
amazing gig tho.