Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Catch up 22

i havent been arsed to write anythong in this blog or elesewhere for that matter. not to say that nothing has happened ; quite the contrary, but much of it has been personal to certain people, suffice to say that counsellors / support workers are not always on duty, especially on a Friday night or the weekend!

Sicknote. Ah yes, Sicknote. so many gigs in so short a time and they do more than we can attend. Bristol Bassment, Glastonbury Tor Leisure centre (a cricket and bowling club no less, ive never felt so middle class and am grateful that my life has not succumbed to joininga sports club !). The night ended in a party in Frome at the home of the organiser of the night where we were warmly welcomed by the group of Sketchy Munters we've come to know over the last year or so. Not being designated driver has many benefits, though one drawback is you cant leave till the other driver does! They played Newport Bagnall in Milton Keynes the next day. one we couldnt get to and didnt really want to given age and the recovery period needed following such a cracking night. I was later told the venue was a British Legion club adorned with Union Jacks and pictures of the Queen. If only Doghouse had had a burger ; he could have pissed everyone off by rubbing it in the fat scroungers phisog !

Next day, Sunday, Flapsandwich, in his own inimitable fuckin crazy style managed to put on the Re - Launch of Sub 29 club in Cardiff. Great to see them performing at home again! People travelled from near and far to see some great acts including Sicknote, Clay Statues, Oll n Gee, DJ Pook etc. Free Party yet again, and would you believe it, the club was nowhere near full. With this crew, it doesnt matter ; its the ethos and camararderie that matters, and all performers gave their all.

A bank holiday to remember, the week hit me like a brick, and i'm only 2 days into work!

There are more gigs lined up but the next two are not do-able for us, but we will be thinking and hoping for good turn outs, good reactions, good networking, more gigs and hopefully more festivals.

Until then, we plod on through trials and tribulations.

Shout out to you all.
